Worship Outline

St. Mark’s United Church, Whitby

Minister: the Reverend Dr. Steven Davis
Organist/Choir Director: Mr. Henry Remiz
Office Administrator: Dr. Arleane Ralph
Custodian: Mr. John Herscheid

April 21, 2024 at 10:00am
Fourth Sunday of Easter

Prelude: Prelude in G Minor” (J.S. Bach)
Welcome and Announcements
Lighting of the Christ Candle
Honouring the Land

Introit:  VU #169 “Good Christians All, Rejoice And Sing”  (verse 4; sung by choir)

Call to Worship
Choir:  MV #115 – “Behold, Behold, I Make All Things New”
Minister: Long ago, Jesus said: “I am the Good Shepherd.”
People: And so, we have come to follow him.
Minister: This morning, we gather in the name of the one who leads us to quiet waters and green pastures.
People: And so, we have come to be restored and refreshed by him.
Minister: As always, we gather in the name of the one who welcomes us with open arms.
People: And so, we have come to be touched by his love as we worship God!
MV #115 – “Behold, Behold, I Make All Things New”

Opening Hymn: VU #223 “Eternal, Unchanging, We Sing”            
Opening Prayer
Loving God, our shepherd, our guide and giver of life: you nourish our lives and lead us into the green pastures or renewal, you restore our souls with rest and peace, you give us joy so our lives overflow with goodness and grace. But even with you at our sides, we still face difficult times, and so you also walk with us through the darkest valleys, offering us strength, courage and compassion. We confess to you that sometimes those deep, dark valleys we walk through are of our own making—our lifestyles do not always honour you, our patience for those who are different from us or who disagree with us often wears thin, we set goals that may benefit us but that do so at the cost of hurting others or of damaging the earth. And yet, at all times and in all circumstances, you are with us, forgiving us and renewing us. Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit, we praise you, here and now; now and always. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

Scripture: John 10:11-18 (Read by Anne W.)

Hymn: VU #340 “Jesus, Friend Of Little Children”

A Time For All Ages: The Life Of A Shepherd

Scripture: Psalm 23:1-6 (Read by the Rev. Steven Davis)

Sermon: The Strangest Word In The Best Known Psalm Of All

Hymn:  VU #606 “In Christ There Is No East Or West

 Receiving the Offering
Offertory Music:
 Improvisation followed by VU #538 “For the Gift of Creation”
Blessing of the Offering
Giving God, you are our Shepherd—the good shepherd, strong and wise, compassionate and merciful. Bless the gifts we have offered and multiply their impact in the world. Use them to spread your love and to protect all that is vulnerable in your creation, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord. Amen.

Ministry of Music: “This Joyful Eastertide” (J. Oudaen, David’s Psalmen)

The World This Week

Pastoral Prayer
Minister: Lord, in your mercy;
People: Hear our prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn:  VU #691 “Though Ancient Walls”

Minister: May we not focus on the difficulties and worries and challenges of the world.
People: Instead, while aware of them, let us commit to seeking solutions.
Minister: May we embrace the ministry of reconciliation Christ has given us!
People: May we be those who reveal the way of God’s love to all!

Choral Closing: VU #158 “Christ is Alive” (verse 4; sung by congregation)
Postlude: “Fugue in G Minor” (J.S. Bach)

Thought for the Day

“Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?”
 (Abraham Lincoln)

Music reproduced with permission under licenses:
OneLicense A610919 and CCLI license #11269798