Worship Outline

St. Mark’s United Church, Whitby

Minister: the Reverend Dr. Steven Davis
Organist/Choir Director: Mr. Henry Remiz
Office Administrator: Dr. Arleane Ralph
Custodian: Mr. John Herscheid

May 5, 2024 at 10:00am
Sixth Sunday of Easter

St. Mark’s UCW Sunday

Prelude: “Pastorale” (P. Hayes)

Welcome & Announcements (the Rev. Steven)

Lighting Of The Christ Candle (Dorothy P.)
Holy One, as we light our candle today, we are reminded of the light that dwells within us.  We light the Christ Candle as we gather here today, to trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence.  Amen.

Honouring the Land (Robin M.)

Introit: VU #169 “Good Christians All, Rejoice And Sing” (verse 2; sung by choir)

Call to Worship (Nancy S.)
Come and join us in our time together, to be with God in this place, with these people, at this time.  To share our love and humble service, to let the light of Jesus shine in our hearts.

Opening Prayer (Hazel H.)
Lord, You walk beside us
You are always there.
Come be in our waking
Go with us everywhere.
Lord, Your hand will lead us
Your light will show the way.
Come be in our thinking
Be our guide today. Amen.

Would the Sunday School group please come up

Hymn: VU #402 “We Are One” (verses 1 & 2)

Scripture (read by Susan H.) Philippians 2:1-11;  John 15:9-17

Hymn: MV #161 “I Have Called You by Your Name” 

Purpose of the UCW (Nancy S.)
The purpose of the United Church Women is to unite the women of the congregation for the total mission of the church, and to provide a medium through which we may express our loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian Witness, Study, Fellowship and Service.

Introduction of Guest Speaker (Celeste M.)

 Sermon (Arleane R.)

Mission of the UCW (Nancy S.)
Our Mission is to love God, to foster Christian faithfulness, spirituality, commitment and devotion, and to promote love and respect by living generously and giving joyfully to all God’s people and to affirm and strengthen ourselves creatively.

Receiving the Offering

Offertory Music: “We Have an Anchor” (W. Kirkpatrick; sung by the Marksmen) followed by  VU #538 “For The Gift Of Creation”

Blessing the Offering (the Rev. Steven)

Ministry of Music: “Flying Free” (D. Besig; sung by the Markettes)

Prayer (Ada O’C.-P.)
We remember the generations of women who have gone before us.
We remember their wisdom and their love.
We are grateful for these gifts given by You.
We remember the generations of women surrounding us now,
sharing their wisdom and their love.
We are grateful for these gifts passed on to us.
We offer our prayers to the generations of women who come after us.
They will build on the wisdom and love of past generations.
They will be the beacon of light for the future.
May you journey in peace.

Please join us in
The Lord’s Prayer  (Ada O’C.-P.)

 Hymn:  VU #288  “Great is Thy Faithfulness”

Commissioning (the Rev. Steven)

Blessing (the Rev. Steven)
May the Lord bless you and keep you.  May the Lord’s face shine upon you, and may the Lord be gracious unto you. 
May the Lord grant you peace, now and forever.  Amen.

Choral Closing: VU #158 “Christ is Alive” (verse 1; sung by congregation)

Postlude: “Offertorio” (D. Zipoli)

Music reproduced with permission under licenses:
OneLicense A610919 and CCLI license #11269798